In 2022, the GLC/GLCAP Professional Fellows program is marking its 10th anniversary. The first delegation of European fellows travelled to the US in the Spring of 2012. During our 10-year operation of the program, 16 delegations totaling 300 young professionals from Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia took part in the program, with another 150+ US mentors making outbound trips to Europe.
Our programs have built lasting relationships between people and organizations in Europe and the US and have made positive changes in their communities and societies. We are excited to keep this work going and further enhance and sustain networks of people, knowledge and resources. You can still contribute to this change!
We are reaching out to all members of our alumni community and friends of the program and asking you to support us in two ways:
We would like to know where all of our alumni are, what are they working on and how to reach them. This will allow us to keep you updated about possibilities within and around our program, offer networking and partnership possibilities within and across countries and offer relevant content and resources in our communication.
Take 3 minutes and fill up our contact-making form so we are up-to-date even 10 years later.
This year, we are fundraising for 2023’s edition of the Dave Beckwith Memorial Strategic Partnerships program. This is an alumni-only program, which financially supports trip across the Atlantic to boost and enhance strategic partnerships between people and organizations. The program was named after our beloved program advisor and friend of the GLC/GLCAP program Dave Beckwith, whom we lost in the spring of 2022. It is set to honor his memory and immense contribution to our community.
The Dave Beckwith Memorial Strategic Partnerships program was piloted in 2022 and we have already supported 5 people who travelled on it.
Help us continue these efforts in 2023 and beyond: please donate!