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Join us! Recruiting US mentors for Spring 2024

Great Lakes Consortium for International Training & Development (GLC), a program of GLCAP, is looking for U.S. professionals in community organizing and advocacy to host 2 European Fellows for four-weeks at their organization in Spring 2024.

Meet the GLC Spring 2023 European delegation travelling to the US

The GLC Professional Fellows Spring 2023 delegation is arriving in the US on May 1st 2023. The 12-member delegation from Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia will start its 40-days fellowship on governance and society in the United States as part of a U.S. Department of State Professional Fellows Program managed by GLCAP/GLC.

European Fellows took part in the program


European countries


Years of exchanges


delegations to the U.S.

We provide professional development opportunity and knowledge of U.S. practice in Community Organizing


participants from Albania


participants from Bulgaria


participants from Hungary


participants from Romania


participants from Slovakia

Active Participation

Under the program, European participants are exposed to diverse community organizing methods to engage citizens as active participants in solving problems in their own communities.


Participants gain hands-on experience at both public and civil society institutions in the U.S. and a deeper understanding of U.S. society, culture, and people.


Through 4-week internship placements at national, state and local organizations across the U.S., European fellows gain knowledge and experience as well as adaptable approaches that they can implement after their return.