Community organizing as a tool to fight extremism and discrimination in Europe?
Since 2012 more than 150 emerging leaders in the fields of civic engagement; nonprofit management; local governance and community empowerment from 4 European countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovakia) have been brought to the United States for intensive 6-week experience designed to broaden their professional expertise. It could all happen thanks to the Professional Fellows Program – funded by the U.S. Department of State (Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs) and implemented by Great Lakes Consortium for International training and development at WSOS Community Action Commission, Inc.. During their stay in U.S. the participants received hands-on exposure to nonprofit organizations – focused on community organizing and building grassroots democracy in minority communities.
The biggest advantage of this project is its sustainability after leaders’ return back home to Europe from their 6-week U.S. experience – via national developed network and continuous learning circles. Cooperation with former PFP alumni, feedback from the U.S. mentors and consultations with WSOS organizers on new local projects ideas and personal development progress works on regular basis. It’s the best way to ensure that the gained knowledge and experience will be successfully implemented in local communities. Therefore WSOS organize Regional event on annual basis – ‘Pro-Fellows Alumni conference’. “Thanks to the Reunion project all these powerful people have an opportunity to share ideas, learn from each other and work together for more solidarity and justice in our communities and in the same time to build a network of Professional Fellows Alumni in Europe,” said Veronika Strelcova, PFP Alumni and coordinator of Professional Fellows Program in Slovakia. “I can see the network growing and becoming more professional and stronger,” adds Maros Chmelik, PFP Alumni and Director of Center for Community Organizing (CKO).